Video ini berisikan kenangan-kenangan
peserta MUNAS XIII & STKN di Palembang,
pada Tanggal 27-31 Desember 2011,
banyak kenangan indah yang dilalui bersama, canda tawa, menambah rasa persaudaraan kita sebagai
Pemuda Buddhayana Indonesia.
Ada perjumpaan, pasti ada perpisahan, namun jangan sampai persaudaraan yang kita bina hilang begitu saja, teruslah berkarya memajukan perkembangan mulai dari diri sendiri, pmv, sekber, hingga perkembangan negara kita tercinta Indonesia...ϱ(`▿´ϱ)
Jumpa lagi pada acara-acara Sekber PMVBI berikutnya...
(ɔ ˘⌣˘)˘⌣˘ c)
Hidup Sekber PMVBI, Hidup Pemuda Buddhayana Indonesia
...4 Better World...
Siapakah Yang Memberikan Warna Pada Kehidupan Kita?...
Friends are like Sketch Pens— They color your lives…
I may not be your favorite color but
you will need me some day to complete your picture…:)
I may not be your favorite color but
you will need me some day to complete your picture…:)
by: Jamur Creative Team (See You @ STKN 2013)
( o '.' o ) Ooo..
It Was You
When I think of what I've been through
I can see that you've always been there for me
To tell the truth I don't know what I'd do
without you, None of my dreams would have come true.
To tell the truth I don't know what I'd do
You are the one that I have called for.
Now my life means so much more
Now we can be together forever
Forever just you and me
Me here for you, you here for me.